MUST « END OF HUMANITY » / Version française sur Rumble The film has been posted on X

Si vous disposez d’un VPN, ne manquez pas ce film sur Rumble offrant les versions s/titrées.

Autrement, regardez le en V.O. sur X, même si vous n’y êtes pas abonné (comme votre serviteur) car ce film doit circuler au plus vite !

From: Stop World Control <>
Date: Sat 20 Apr 2024 at 21:11
Subject: The film has been posted on X

Watch ‘END OF HUMANITY’ on X, and help it go viral

You can now watch our latest groundbreaking  film ‘END OF HUMANITY’ on X. Make sure to share it widely, post it on other accounts, etc. Together we can expose the diabolical agenda of transhumanism and protect the original human race. 



If the links don’t work, then copy and paste this url into your browser: is an international platform for the defense of human rights and the dissapation of critical truths for this purpose. SWC is owned by Hope for Humanity PMA, a non governmental humanitarian ministry. The founder is David Sorensen. Mailing address: P.O. Box 271, Poncha Springs, 81242 CO, USA 

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